Drop In Service
Sveikiname jus
Mūsų centre teikiama įėjimo paslauga, kuri yra atvira visiems, ieškantiems paramos arba išgyvenantiems sudėtingą gyvenimo laikotarpį.
Jis taip pat atviras vietos bendruomenÄ—s nariams, norintiems pasiteirauti Å¡iais klausimais:
Mokymo kursai
TolistinÄ—s terapijos
Patarimai būsto klausimais
CV kūrimas
Skalbimo paslaugos
Ir daug daugiau
Homeless Services
Our centre provides services to homeless individuals such as;
​Hygiene Services
Laundry Facilities
Finding Emergency Accommodation
Housing Support
We can provide you with housing information and assistance with filling in housing application forms.
One to One Support
If you feel the group style day programme is not suited to your individual needs, we can offer one to one supports in a confidential and safe environment. This support will provide you with the opportunity to discuss and explore issues that arise and will provide emotional and practical support to help you reach your goals.
Court Support
In cases where you are obligated to present in court for whatever the reason may be, we offer our clients moral support and guidance whereby a member of staff can accompany you on the day. If necessary, the client's Key-Worker can also provide a client reference letter and/or urine analysis.
Užsukite arba susisiekite su mūsų darbuotoju telefonu 01 667 7666 arba 085 788 2802
Ar jūs ar jūsų mylimas žmogus kovoja su priklausomybe? Paskambinkite mums ir dabar konfidencialiai pasikalbėkite su atkūrimo ekspertu.
The Spellman Centre, 17 Irishtown Rd, Ringsend, Co. Dublin,
D04 PW10, Airija
01 667 7666